Successful Car Dealer
To become a real successful car dealer first of all you should prepare your cars for sale. Clean them and make sure your vehicles are in good condition. Everybody looks under the bonnet. Make sure there is no problem with the oil, fuel level, or water. Check the pressure on the wheels. Good preparation makes great sense!
Advertisements in newspapers are typically short and you should refresh them each week. You lose your time and money because nobody reads them anymore. Nowadays a great way to have more buyers for your inventory is to market your business via the Internet. There are many websites, which help you to promote your cars as classifieds or online auctions.
If you ask me, which of these is the best and most effective way of selling cars, I would say Online Car Auctions are the most effective method of advertising to the public. But let’s make a comparison between both of these methods; there is a big difference between them.
Classifieds generate more leads than real sales because the actual transaction doesn’t happen online. The seller is posting his car in classifieds for the asked price and the leads are contacting the seller. 98% of these leads will not become buyers. This is time-consuming to answer 100 calls to have a 2% chance of actually selling the car.
Online Auctions
Online Auctions are being searched daily by millions of online shoppers and the advantage of them over classifieds is that the auction can sell your car because the transaction is happening online. The potential buyer finds the car you sell, places a bid or an offer on your car and if matches your reserved price or you accept the offer, the car is sold. People love Auto Auctions because it saves their time and the auction method gives them the security that they spent on the car exactly what they counted for.
Auto Auctions
There is a disadvantage of Auto Auctions – they are not free as the majority of classified. Almost all of them charge a fee to have the car listed. If you ask me what is the best Auto Auction for dealers to sell their cars at, I would say online public car auction. These auto auctions accept only businesses as cosigners and don’t charge to list the inventory. The seller pays a fee only if the car is sold.
To summarize I would say that online auctions are the best place to increase your benefits and make an incredible growth of successful deals. “Keep an eye” on what you did and will do in the future to become one of the top performers in your field.